F1® Garage Package Inclusions


F1® 车库准入

位于车队附近的一个 F1 车库内,从 F1® 维修区通道的内部圣地见证精彩的赛事周末。您可以在那里观看所有赛道上的精彩竞逐,并在整个大奖赛™周末尽情享受高级礼遇

F1® 围场3日入场券

Spend an hour or an entire day inside the restricted inner circle of Formula 1®. With your three-day F1® Paddock Pass, you'll have VIP access to come and go as you like inside the most exclusive area at the F1® circuit anytime throughout the entire Grand Prix™ weekend.


End your F1® Grand Prix™ weekend in the most exclusive way possible! You'll be escorted down for the iconic F1® Podium Celebration after the chequered flag is waved, where you'll stand with the winning F1® Teams as confetti and champagne are sprayed down from above.

F1 围场俱乐部™ 休息室视野

在 F1® 车队车库上方的二等观赛位置,可看到发车区和维修区通道的情况。


World-renowned, multi-Michelin starred chef Gordon Ramsay and his team of Executive Chefs will curate a menu of gourmet dishes inspired by that weekend's Grand Prix™ and infused with locally sourced ingredients.




与 F1® 前世界冠军,该项运动的传奇车手或 F1® 现役车手近距离接触,聆听他们在最高水平的赛车运动上竞争的感受。


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