
Starter | Grandstand N

Grandstand N Seating

Friday - Sunday

Covered grandstand located on the outside of Turn 3 at the start of the Back Straight with views of the Senna 'S' corner and the Pit Lane exit at Autódromo José Carlos Pace, Seat-Back Style Seating



Exclusive Aramco F1® Pit Lane Walk


Get up close to your favourite F1® Team as they practise their pit stops and prepare the cars for the Grand Prix™ weekend. Access is limited to F1® Experiences guests only, which means you won't have to fight for a good view – and you might even spot a driver or two!

Guided Track Tour


Step aboard the back of a flatbed truck and enjoy a lap of Autódromo José Carlos Pace with our Expert Hosts. You'll learn about what it takes for a driver to put in a flying lap and ride past the spots where the most significant historical events and incidents have taken place through the years.
Please note: Due to FIA safety regulations, guests must be at least 110cm (3.5 ft) tall to take part in the Guided Track Tour.



フォーミュラ 1 ワールドチャンピオンシップ™ トロフィーと一緒にポーズをとり、笑顔でプロに写真を撮ってもらいましょう。F1® エクスペリエンスでグランプリ™ 週末をいつも思い出す最高のお土産になります!


F1® Experiences Rewards

Calculated as 10% of your total purchase, your earned F1® Experiences Rewards act as points that can be used towards a discount on future purchases or hotel rates.

Exclusive Extras

F1® TV Access, F1® Experiences Gift & F1® Experiences Lanyard


特定のグランプリ™ に関する公式 F1® チケットパッケージについて聞きたい場合、以下のフォームにご記入くだされば、ご連絡いたします!
