
Grandstand K | Thursday ACM Yacht

Grandstand K

Saturday - Sunday

Stretching between Turns 12 & 13 (Tabac), you will watch the drivers as the accelerate out of the turn and have spectacular views into the Monaco Harbour.

  • Bleacher-Style Seating
  • Giant TV Screen Viewing

Please note: Your seat on Friday will be in Grandstand T.

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Más acerca de su experiencia

ACM Yacht


Premium berth location in Zone 1.

*Limited areas on the ACM Yacht are covered to protect from weather conditions during the Grand Prix™ weekend.

Please note: Map shows 2024 berth location. Exact location will be announced closer to the Grand Prix™.

Hospitalidad Yate ACM


Experience all the glitz and glamour of Monaco aboard the exclusive ACM superyacht superbly situated in the Monaco Harbour. Offering the perfect blend of luxury and an exciting atmosphere, you'll enjoy all-inclusive, delicious food bites and beverages including spirits, champagne, beer, wine and soft drinks, plus live entertainment and an appearance by an F1® insider.

*Superyacht will be announced closer to the Grand Prix™.

Ver el video del 2024 »

F1® Insider Appearance


Hear from one of the biggest names in F1® as they explain what it's like to be part of the pinnacle of motorsport. Guest may include a current or legendary driver, F1® team executive, F1® media personality or the FIA's F1® safety car driver.

Tribuna T


Located between Turns 16 and 17 with one of the best views around Circuit de Monaco, including into the Pit Lane, Bleacher-Style Seating

Ver mapa del circuito »

*Programas y Experiencias sujetas a cambios.

Tenga en cuenta: este paquete no es apto para discapacitados.

F1® Experiences Rewards

Calculated as 10% of your total purchase, your earned F1® Experiences Rewards act as points that can be used towards a discount on future purchases or hotel rates.

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F1® Experiences Gift & F1® Experiences Lanyard

Añadir Alojamiento y Traslados

Evite la molestia de planificar su viaje reservando una estadía en uno de nuestros hoteles premium alrededor de Monte Carlo y cómodos traslados diarios de ida y vuelta desde y hacia Circuit de Monaco.

Estadía de 4 Noches de Hotel

Entrada el Jueves, Salida el Lunes

Traslados Terrestres Diarios

Incluido solo en paquetes de hotel seleccionados

Nota: Las habitaciones solamente pueden alojar un máximo de 2 personas por habitación.

Opciones de Hotel

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